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Annemie Tonken

After wading knee-deep into the waters of several other careers, Annemie Tonken dove head-first into the photography pool in 2010 and hasn’t stopped swimming since. In a very short period of time, her intuitive eye for visual storytelling and keen business sensibilities helped her grow Megapixie Photography from nothing more than an idea into a thriving family photography studio in Chapel Hill, NC. She now shares her business strategies on her weekly podcast, called This Can’t Be That Hard, and recently collaborated with Pic-Time to launch the Simple Sales App, an automated, online photography sales system designed to create predictable, profitable sales for portrait photographers. In the few minutes left over every week, you’ll find Annemie spending time with her two not-so-little boys, planning her next travel adventure, or laughing over cocktails with her nearest and dearest.


Kate Thompson