TFN 2022 Family Reunion
March 14-17, 2022


Old friends, new format.

The Family Narrative is marking it’s 6th year by inviting alumni to celebrate our community in a whole new way - keeping the togetherness and learning with a little less structure and a little more fun.


When & Where?

Join us poolside to celebrate 6 years of TFN friends near and far in a laid back, sun-soaked atmosphere. Mark your calendar for March 14-17, 2022 in Palm Springs, California.


All tickets include: 

  • 3 days of quality time and fun activities

  • Optional add-ons to instruct, inspire, and feed your family photography business

  • Daily breakfast

  • Last day dance party

  • Swag bag full of goodies




What are the topics for each of the keynotes?

When we sit down to brainstorm who to invite as a teacher for TFN, we know that in addition to kick-ass photographers, we want to invite a list of people who represent a range of business models, markets, experience levels, and teaching styles. We also seek out teachers who align with our dedication to advocating for inclusivity, representation and equitable opportunities for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ photographers in workshops within the photography industry. Even though we’re sad to not meet these teachers in person this year, we’re so excited about our lineup and the strengths each will bring to the group. We’ve included a list of all the keynotes and descriptions below :)

What if I can’t attend live?

Not to worry. You’ll have lifetime access to all recorded keynotes and Q&As.

What happens during ‘Study Hall’?

Study Hall will consist of small group breakouts immediately following a talk. Together with other attendees, you’ll have a chance to work on the handout from they previous keynote.

What is the ‘principal’s office’?

The time Principal’s Office is time with the three co-founders - Kate Thompson, Annemie Tonken, and Posy Quarterman. We’ll have a few things to share, but it will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions!

Will we have a chance to ask teachers questions directly?

Yes! At the end of each day we'll have Zoom Q&A where you’ll have the chance to ask teachers questions directly.

What happens during snacktime?

Snacktime is either a chance for you to take a short break or a chance for you to visit breakout rooms to mingle with our selected vendors, see demonstrations, or participate in giveaways.

I purchased an Extra Credit ticket - will the portfolio reviews be live?

Yes! Your purchase of an Extra Credit ticket includes a live portfolio review at 1pm Eastern on Friday 2/12. You’ll get an email with a link to join the Zoom call!


How much?

Regular tickets:

Ticket purchases are non-refundable. Tickets may be transferred before January 25th, 2022 for a fee of $50; after January 25th, no transfer requests will be accepted.