TFN 2021 - Homeschool[ed]
February 8-12, 2021


This year, the kids aren’t the only ones learning from the comfort of home!

The Family Narrative is celebrating it’s 5th year by hosting our conference in an all new way … keeping many of the best elements of our in-person retreat and adding some amazing value, all while making it easier than ever to participate!


When & Where

Mark your calendar for February 8-12, 2021 (but if those dates don’t work for you, remember that every ticket holder will have lifetime access to all recorded material from the conference!)

As far as location goes, that’s up to you! We’re all virtual this year, so you can join us from your desk at home, curled up on the couch, or lounging by the pool… no shoes, no shirt, no problem*!

*Okay, you probably really should wear a shirt… at least whenever you’re participating with your camera on!



All tickets include: 

  • 5 days of family photography-focused content applicable to your business & life.

  • 13 keynote addresses by our amazing teacher lineup and recorded session demonstrations followed by small group discussions (aka ‘Study Hall).

  • Live Q&As with each keynote speaker.

  • A virtual backpack filled with swag & discount offers from our sponsors

  • Opportunities to win BIG sponsor prizes in our drawings.

Extra Credit Tickets (SOLD OUT) include all of the above, plus:

  • Additional community-building opportunities (pre-conference reception)

  • Additional swag in a physical bag (mailed anywhere within the US)

  • An individual review with one of our Keynote Speakers (website, portfolio, etc.)





What are the topics for each of the keynotes?

When we sit down to brainstorm who to invite as a teacher for TFN, we know that in addition to kick-ass photographers, we want to invite a list of people who represent a range of business models, markets, experience levels, and teaching styles. We also seek out teachers who align with our dedication to advocating for inclusivity, representation and equitable opportunities for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ photographers in workshops within the photography industry. Even though we’re sad to not meet these teachers in person this year, we’re so excited about our lineup and the strengths each will bring to the group. We’ve included a list of all the keynotes and descriptions below :)

What if I can’t attend live?

Not to worry. You’ll have lifetime access to all recorded keynotes and Q&As.

What happens during ‘Study Hall’?

Study Hall will consist of small group breakouts immediately following a talk. Together with other attendees, you’ll have a chance to work on the handout from they previous keynote.

What is the ‘principal’s office’?

The time Principal’s Office is time with the three co-founders - Kate Thompson, Annemie Tonken, and Posy Quarterman. We’ll have a few things to share, but it will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions!

Will we have a chance to ask teachers questions directly?

Yes! At the end of each day we'll have Zoom Q&A where you’ll have the chance to ask teachers questions directly.

What happens during snacktime?

Snacktime is either a chance for you to take a short break or a chance for you to visit breakout rooms to mingle with our selected vendors, see demonstrations, or participate in giveaways.

I purchased an Extra Credit ticket - will the portfolio reviews be live?

Yes! Your purchase of an Extra Credit ticket includes a live portfolio review at 1pm Eastern on Friday 2/12. You’ll get an email with a link to join the Zoom call!



Britney Jeanine
Building a Plan-Based Business

In this presentation, Britney will be sharing step-by-step what it takes to confidently plan your business without compromising your coins and credibility. So let’s roadmap your way forward so that you can finally start running a photography business that’s purposeful, plan-based, and profitable.

Colie James
The Ultimate Client Experience: How to leverage your CRM to wow your clients

Automation isn’t a dirty word. We will cover the seven stages of the client experience and you will learn how to provide a highly customized experience for your clients using a CRM.

Kate Thompson
Learning to Let Go: Creating Boundaries When You Are Your Business

If you’re anything like me, you started your own business for the autonomy as much as the creativity. Yet somewhere along the way you found yourself not only being your own boss, but also your own accountant, marketing director, administrator, graphic designer, etc. You build, you learn, you grow, you hustle - but pretty quickly your plate gets full and you’re trading your most precious resource (time) for money over and over and haven’t thought about the long game - the sustainability of your business and preservation of your mental health. Creating boundaries and making space for nurturing and educating your whole person will make you not only a better business owner, but a better friend, ally, partner, parent, and artist.

Annemie Tonken
The Email Engine

Constantly searching for new clients? Perhaps they're right in front of you! Marketing is all about developing relationships, and few channels allow you to do that as cheaply and effectively as email. Annemie's class will lead you through a step-by-step plan to grow, nurture, and sell to your list authentically, painlessly, and profitably.

Clare Barker Wells & Yasmina Cowan
He(art) of Home: Creating magic at in-home family sessions

We are here to help you make in-home family sessions your favourite (and most profitable) part of your business. Oh, and we’ll also tell you how to create images that make your heart sing at every single session. You will:

- Learn how to shoot stunning and honest imagery that highlights the unique beauty of each and every home and family
- Find out everything you need to know about how we educate our clients to set up our sessions for success before we even arrive at the session.
- Understand how to attract your dream clients and more importantly, people who value the gorgeous, natural, authentic in-home images you want to create.
- Finding and being true to your artistic voice and building a client base who values that voice

Lucy Baber
Manifesting Your Dream Business

You might think I’m crazy, but I used to be afraid of making money. It wasn’t until I started to really unpack some of my own emotional and mental baggage that I was really able to acknowledge: “Oh, I actually have some outdated mental scripts playing in my head that are holding me back from achieving the success that I want.” For me, manifestation is about taking Active Ownership over my business: it’s about having Vision, it’s about being Intentional and Protecting my work time and space, it’s about digging deep and doing the inner work to help me maintain Mental Clarity, and it’s about surrounding myself with the right Energy to keep propelling me and my business forward.

Posy Quarterman
Love will keep us together: How I build genuine friendships with my clients- without giving up my Business Boss role- and how that has led to a fiercely loyal client base.

This talk will explore the value of substance over show, and why you should be expending energy on building relationships rather than follower counts. 

Lynsey Weatherspoon
The Photographic Journey of a Black Woman: Wisdom and Knowledge to Stay In Tune With the Visual World and its Constant Evolution

Our world is ever changing. The way we feel, along with the way we describe life, are completely different. Our visual perspective has become more empathetic, and now that there’s more visibility among Black photographers, an entirely new world of thought as emerged. This talk presents the nuances of being a Black queer woman in the world during a pandemic and a social uprising, where photography has been the sole aspect of what will be archived of this movement. During this talk, you’ll grow to understand:

  • Dynamics of seeing yourself in the images you make

  • Process of creating diverse photographs
    What to read when you want to make impactful images

  • Empathy among you and your collaborator

  • The soul / sole purpose of being the best you

Abbie Rose Wilson
A Photographer, A Business, and A Baby

Navigating a photography business while having a family and creating space to show up gently for yourself, present for your family, and inspired for your clients. Let’s talk about showing up for yourself, your family, and your clients as you steer your business with one hand and hold your babies in the other. Many entrepreneurs aren’t able to take time off work as they begin parenting. I want to walk through making it sustainable for you, your recovery, and your attachment with your kids. I’ll speak from experience of what NOT to do as well as what has worked for me and other parents. We’ll create a plan that begins with holding space for your needs and ends with feeling a heck of a lot more prepared and inspired!

Erica Benson
The Business of Badass Branding

Diving deep into all things branding - what that looks like, what that sounds like, and how imagery isn't enough to be a badass brand.

We will cover:
I. Brand Identity + Aesthetic
II. Brand Language
III. What Makes A good Brand
IV. Why Photographers Need to Treat Their Business Like A Brand
V. How to Be a Brand That Stands Out

Stormy Solis
Beauty Through Adversity

Learn how Stormy finds beauty through adversity, both within the unique stories of her clients, with how she sees and directs to bring out their authentic moments in her captures — and from behind the camera, as she works through the difficulties the session presents. You'll get to watch a behind the scenes maternity/family of 5 session, shot in Moab, Utah & see her entire session flow. You'll hear everything she's saying to her clients, the problems she works through, what she's trying to "see" with her captures, how it's brought together & culled to tell an emotive story that's unique to the family & how that all ties together with her fine art portrait approach. She'll also cover her philosophy in how she approaches shoots & key strategies she uses.

Emmalaine Berry
Diversification and Inclusivity:Photographing Clients with Special Needs

Sustaining a diverse portfolio can be a challenge. From accessing a diverse clientele to choosing accessible locations, instructor Emmalaine Berry uses her expertise to walk students through how to work with clients with special needs. She draws upon her own experience as a family photographer as well as her background as a Visual Impairment Specialist for Wayfinders Blind Babies Foundation to explore with students some of the most crucial principles to understand when working with special needs clients.

Angela Doran
Lifestyle Newborn Sessions: Find Magic in the Yes, and

Let’s talk about walking into the unknown. For me, most of the time, that is a lifestyle newborn session. 80% of the time, I have no idea of what I’m walking into, how and where the light will fall, what the space is like, how the new tiny human will react, none of it. I’d like to share with you how I handle these situations and feel confident that I can work with any situation that comes up. Another part to this is, I feel like there is a huge part of the photography industry that feels like everything needs to be perfectly stylized and I don’t love that messaging. I want my clients to know that they can come to me as they are, at whatever their best is that day and know that I will work just as hard to create images that tell their beautiful story. The perfect home, the perfect clothes, the perfect smiles…It feels like beating square pegs into round holes solely for my own personal gain and traction in the industry when really, I am here to serve my clients. By using the “Yes, and” improv approach, we can react, adapt and communicate our way into making meaningful images for anyone.


How much?

Regular tickets:

Ticket purchases are non-refundable. Tickets may be transferred before January 25th, 2021 for a fee of $50; after January 25th, no transfer requests will be accepted.